Why is there Unbelief?

God, who by His very nature cannot lie, has written to us words of truth. Those who believe His words get great blessings from God, while those who do not believe, not only miss out on those blessings, but suffer God’s wrath. So why is there unbelief at all? Why wouldn’t people believe the truth for the blessings involved. Why is unbelief so very prevalent?

Actually the very Bible that many find hard to believe has much to say about unbelief. Without a doubt, the main reason people do not believe God’s truth is that they choose not to believe. For various reasons many would rather believe what is false. Then are many who partially believe God’s words. But failure to believe parts of it is still a manifestation of unbelief.

Those who do not believe the Bible are unlikely to admit the reason for their unbelief is that they simply choose not to believe. They are much more likely to give a ”logical” reason to justify their unbelief. The Scripture calls such reasons “stumbling blocks”. A stumbling block is minor hindrance to the appropriate path. One could get around it or over if he really wanted to. The person who does not really wish to go down the path of truth will claim a stumbling block as an excuse not to proceed.

God allows these stumbling blocks for people who want them. God allows the devil and his minions to promote strong deceptions–such strong deceptions that people willingly become completely blinded to truth by them. Because there are people who find advantages for themselves in deceiving others, unbelief through such deceptions is greatly multiplied.

The result is https://theologypoints.org/theology-slides-page-2/#unbeliefthat altogether there are surely more unbelievers than believers. Although there are strong warnings against unbelief and against being deceived into not believing, there are multitudes caught up in deceptions without even being aware that what they believe will bring upon themselves the God’s wrath instead of God’s blessings that they hope for. Furthermore, the constant deceptive pressures promote and establish a multitude of doubts about the truth of God’s words in those who otherwise have chosen to believe God.  

These PowerPoint slides on Unbelief emphasize God’s warning against unbelief and help people get past stumbling blocks that hinder belief.